Japan To Secure 1.6 Million COVID-19 Oral Medicine, Increase Hospitalisation Capacity By 30 Percent

TOKYO, Nov 12 (NNN-NHK) – The Japanese government today decided to secure 1.6 million doses of COVID-19 oral medication, and increase hospitalisation capacity for COVID-19 patients by 30 percent, compared to the peak level this summer, local media reported.

“By securing a medical system based on the worst-case scenario and enhancing early treatment, we will be able to continue our economic and social activities, even if infections spread,” Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, said, at a special task force meeting this morning.

The Japanese government agreed with U.S. pharmaceutical company, Merck & Co., on the procurement of 1.6 million doses of molnupiravir, an orally administered drug, that prevents the virus from entering or multiplying in the body, and the government plans to enable them to be delivered to patients’ home.

In addition, two billion yen (17.5 million U.S. dollars) will be set aside, for the development of oral medicines in Japan.

The COVID-19 response package also includes enhancing the hospitalisation capacity to be enough for accepting around 37,000 people by the end of Nov. During the peak of COVID-19 infections in Japan this summer, many patients had to recuperate at home, due to the limited beds offered in hospitals.