Russia: MC-21 aircraft receives basic type certificate — Industry and Trade Minister


MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/: Russia’s MC-21 civilian aircraft has received a basic type certificate, Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov told reporters.

"The MC-21 aircraft has received a basic type certificate today," he said.

The basic certification assumes the use of an American Pratt&Whitney (PW140) engine and a wing made of materials from abroad.

Next year, the certificate will be amended to allow the use of the Russian composite wing and the PD-14 engine in the aircraft, the minister added.

"Certification flights to expand the certificate will continue next year and in 2023, as it will expand until 2024. The changes to the certificate, implying the use of a Russian composite wing and a Russian engine, are planned for 2022," the minister said.

"Obtaining a type certificate from the Federal Air Transport Agency is a milestone event for the MC-21 program and the aviation industry. The document confirms that the MC-21-310 aircraft is ready for full-scale serial production. The airliner turned out to be modern, beautiful and world-class, without exaggeration. It has a number of constructive innovations and the widest salon among the same-class aircraft. I am sure both airlines and passengers will appreciate it," head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, said as quoted by the corporation’s press service.

"In 2022, we will focus our efforts on expanding the type certificate for the MC-21-300 aircraft. First of all, we will complete the certification of an aircraft with a wing made of Russian composite materials. We will also test the plane in high altitude conditions, strong crosswinds, low and high temperatures. This will allow Rossiya Airlines to operate the MC-21-300 in any geographic zones," Irkut Corporation CEO Andrey Boginsky said.

On December 25, the MC-21 plane with a domestically-designed composite wing carried out its first flight.

The MC-21-300 middle-range aircraft with wings made of Russian composite materials completed its maiden flight on December 25. The plane was developed by the Irkut Corporation, which is part of the United Aircraft Corporation controlled by Rostec.

Earlier this month, Manturov said that commercial deliveries of the aircraft were to start next year.