Russia slams Israel's settlements in the Golan Heights as Israel condemns Ukraine invasion

 Golan map

25 Feb 2022; MEMO: Russia condemned Israel's settlements in the occupied Golan Heights after Israel slammed Moscow' invasion of Ukraine, Israel Hayom reported yesterday.

According to the paper, Russia said Israel's actions violate the Geneva Convention of 1949.

"Russia does not recognise Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is part of Syria," the Russian statement said.

On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett saidL "Like everyone else, we pray for peace and calm in Ukraine, and still hope that dialogue will lead to a resolution."

While Foreign Minister Yair Lapid condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and described it as a "violation of the world order".

"The Russian attack on Ukraine is a violation of the world order and Israel condemns it. Israel is ready to give humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Israel knew many wars. War is not the way to solve conflicts," Lapid said in his statement.