Russia: Foreign agent Meduza excluded from Kremlin press pool due to lack of credentials — Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/: Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday explained why some news outlets including foreign agent the Meduza were excluded from the Kremlin press pool.

He said the Meduza stopped being a Russian news medium, and it doesn’t have Foreign Ministry accreditation as a foreign publication.

"The Meduza essentially stopped having any ties with Russia, meaning it’s not a Russian news medium. They don’t have accreditation," Peskov told reporters.

The spokesman also explained why reporters from the Ekho of Moscow radio and the Unian news service were struck from the regular conference calls.

"We needed to do some housekeeping regarding the pool," he said. "The Ekho of Moscow doesn’t exist anymore. Unian used to work here, and he was on the conference calls all the time, but he left a while back and is out of touch.".