Russia welcomes extension of Yemen ceasefire — Foreign Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry

MOSCOW, August 3. /TASS/: Moscow welcomes the decision by the parties to the Yemen conflict to extend a ceasefire for another two months, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"This creates an opportunity to further stabilize the situation in the country and facilitates movement to full-fledged talks between political forces involved in the Yemen conflict," the statement reads.

"We expect that regular extensions of the ceasefire will make it possible to ensure positive developments in terms of the search for solutions to the prolonged Yemen conflict. It will first and foremost depend on whether the parties will maintain a constructive dialogue with the United Nations in order to implement the current ceasefire provisions and potentially expand the truce in order to find a comprehensive solution for the sake of the long-suffering nation," the ministry added.

Intra-Yemeni talks between the Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement and government forces, brokered by the UN and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, took place in Riyadh between March 30 and April 7. UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced after the talks that the parties had agreed to halt military activities for two months. On June 2, the parties to the conflict decided to extend the ceasefire for another two months. On August 2, Grundberg announced another two-month extension of the ceasefire.