Around 33,000 Yellow Vest protesters in France

Yellow Vest protest

PARIS, March 30. /TASS/. The twentieth wave of Yellow Vest manifestations in France this Saturday has gathered 33,700 people, a report by the French Interior Ministry informs.

The report claims that out of this figure, around 4,000 people protested on the streets of Paris. Last Saturday, nearly 40,500 people took part in the protest, out of them 5,000 protested in Paris, the ministry added.

French police sources inform that during the unsanctioned acts of protest in Paris, 37 people have been detained. Police detained over 100 people in the whole country, with 56 protesters held in custody.

Since mid-November, France has been gripped by street riots over skyrocketing fuel prices, growing taxes and soaring living costs. The demonstrations spiraled into clashes with the police and a protest against the country’s leadership, whom protestors accuse of ineffective government and taking insufficient measures to fight poverty. Despite certain concessions made by the authorities, like cut taxes and wage hikes, the Yellow Vests pledge to carry on these rallies.