Pressuring Iran to backfire: White House ex-official

 Frank von Hippel

New York, May 11, IRNA – Assistant Director for National Security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Frank von Hippel criticized US President Donald Trump's approach towards Iran and told IRNA that it will bear reverse results.

'I worry the President Trump’s policy may have exactly the opposite effect that he is imagining,' von Hippel told IRNA in an email interview.

'His attempt to get Iran to change its policies with additional pressure is already resulting in a dangerous development in which Iran is doing just the opposite.'

The Princeton University professor added that I know that President Rouhani wants to force Europe, China and Russia to do more to support the JCPOA by rewarding Iran for its compliance, but I am afraid that the response will be less than Iran wants.'

He said that the probability of confrontation between Iran and the US may be escalating, and added, 'I believe that some in the Trump Administration (Bolton?) would welcome an opportunity to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities and air-defense installations.'

Regarding Europe's failure in fulfilling their commitments mentioned in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as Iran Deal, he said, 'The problem is that the sanctions are on companies in these countries. The Trump Administration is forcing them to choose between the Iranian and US markets.'

'Apparently, the European governments are unable to offer the companies enough protection for them to maintain their business ties to Iran.'

Before joining Princeton, von Hippel worked in the field of theoretical elementary-particle physics for ten years.

He was the Assistant Director for National Security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 1993 to 1995.

His primary areas of research included nuclear power and energy issues, nuclear arms control and nonproliferation, automobile fuel economy, and checks and balances in policymaking for technology.