Teen uses petrol bombs in Russian school attack

Russian school

SARATOV, May 28. /TASS/: A teenager who attacked a schoolgirl with an axe in Russia’s town of Volsk, Saratov region, also threw petrol bombs inside the school building, a regional law enforcement source TASS on Tuesday.

"The teenager went to the second floor, threw a petrol bomb into presumably his classroom and the second one in the corridor. However, the petrol bombs failed to explode. After that, he saw a girl and hit her on the forehead with an axe," the source said.

According to earlier reports, the teenager attacked the girl with an axe and fled the scene but was detained a short time later.

Police officers and officials from the Investigative Committee are working at the scene.

According to the regional Health Ministry, a medical team from the Saratov Children's Clinical Hospital has been dispatched to treat the injured girl. The doctors are expected to decide whether the girl needs to be transferred to Saratov of should be treated in her home town.