Mohamed Ali calls on Egyptians to demonstrate on rooftops

 Mohamed Ali

11 Oct 2019; MEMO: The actor and businessman Mohamed Ali has called on the Egyptian people to demonstrate peacefully on rooftops on Thursday at 6 or 7 pm to demand the departure of the coup president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

In a new video released on Wednesday evening that he called for a different tactic to avoid security strikes or arrests.

Mohamed Ali called on Egyptians to close their doors, take their family members, climb the rooftops of houses, and then chant slogans calling for the departure of El-Sisi and his regime. He added: “All the houses in Egypt are adjacent to each other, so we will climb the rooftops, close the buildings’ main doors, and chant slogans for El Sisi’s departure. You can send me videos of the protests on my Facebook page, or post the footages yourselves on social media platforms. This will confuse the regime.”

He continued: “We will leave El-Sisi and his regime in a state of anxiety, confusion and constant fear. This will force him to agree to realise some of our demands, though he will only respond to some straightforward things, which have no real effect. However, our repeated calls to demonstrate will create a constant state of confusion and stress among the security forces.” He also stressed the “need to unite the Egyptian people’s efforts in the face of El-Sisi.”

Mohamed Ali asserted: “The battle is now with the army and the police. The army and police officers do not want to move against El-Sisi because they are benefiting from the current situation. Therefore, it is unavoidable for the people to act.” The businessman highlighted that “the security forces cannot prevent the citizens’ protests from their rooftops. Our rooftop demonstrations will fascinate the world. ”

He called on the Egyptian people to be a little patient before overthrowing El- Sisi, saying that “no revolution can take place overnight. We will surprise the regime now and then with another move.” He also claimed that many people have begun to support him, and must continue in this path which, he insisted, is going to be successful.

Mohamed Ali demanded that El-Sisi disclose the terms of the “Declaration of Principles” related to the agreement on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, according to which the regime ceded Egypt’s historic rights to the Nile in 2015. He said: “We see no problem in the construction of the Ethiopian dam to generate and export energy, on the condition of preserving Egypt’s and Sudan’s shares of the Nile water.”