India: Girish Chander Murmu to be 1st Lt Governor of J&K territory

 Girish Chander Murmu

Jammu, Oct 26 (PTI) The National Conference on Saturday hoped that Lt Governor- designate Girish Chander Murmu would appreciate the "sentiment and sensitivity" of the people and would accord priority to the restoration of the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir.

It also hoped the change of guard in the Raj Bhavan would usher a new era of confidence for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Murmu, a senior IAS officer who worked closely with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Gujarat and is currently the expenditure secretary, was appointed the first lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir ahead of the state becoming a Union territory next week.

The NC said it is committed to play its historic role in the "turbulent" Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that it cannot remain mute spectator to the sufferings of the people, which, it claimed, have multiplied manifold in recent months.

It is in this context with a concern in mind we hope the change of guard in the Raj Bhavan will see the new incumbent reaching out to the people and making a sincere effort in lessening their feeling of hurt and mitigating their sufferings so that J&K ushers in a new era of confidence, said NC provincial president Devender Singh Rana and other senior leaders of the party in a joint statement here.

Referring to Murmu's administrative experience, the NC statement exuded confidence that the LG would try to understand the overwhelming "sentiment and sensitivity" of the people with regard to the restoration of the pristine glory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir and upholding their pride, dignity and unique identity.

"Therefore, restoration of statehood to J&K should receive earnest and priority attention," the statement added.

The leaders also hoped that Murmu would utilize his closeness to the prime minister to bring some normalcy in the "turbulent region" and work towards restoration of peace.

"End to communication blockade and lifting of restrictions on the liberty of the people is of paramount importance to achieve this objective," they said, while also seeking immediate release of mainstream political leaders, dubbing the action against them as "unconstitutional and unprecedented".

We hope Murmu will analyse the situation on the ground with objectivity and take corrective measures with a sense of urgency to instil a sense of confidence and security among the people, especially in Kashmir, which has been shut for over 80 days now , the NC leaders said.

They said the unprecedented situation calls for extraordinary measures "to bridge the gap and end the feeling of alienation and hurt".