Palestine refugee body calls for UN to cancel partition resolution

 Pelestinian refugee

30 Nov 2019; MEMO: The United Nations Security Council Resolution 302 for the Defence of Refugee Rights called on Friday for the UN to cancel resolution 181, stipulating the partition of Palestine, Quds Press reported.

In a statement, the commission announced “the real and strategic solidarity with the Palestinians is the UN’s courageous decision to cancel the illegal resolution 181 which was adopted by the US General Assembly on 29 November 1947.”

This resolution recommended the division of Palestine into three parts: 42.88 per cent for a Palestinian state, 55.47 per cent for a Jewish state and 0.65 per cent, which comprises Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to be under international guardianship.

According to Commission 302, “the UN’s 181 resolution was one of the main reasons that led to displacement of about 935,000 Palestinians who became refugees scattered around different countries.”

The commission stated that the Palestinian refugees are currently in excess of eight million, who have been awaiting their return. Most of them, the commission said, are currently existing in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) operation areas.

Meanwhile, the commission reiterated that the existence of UNRWA is an important witness of the Nakba, Palestine refugees and their right of return.