India: Total breakdown of law and order in UP

New Delhi, Oct 9 (PTI) Alleging a total breakdown in the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh, the women wing of the CPI(M) Tuesday condemned an attack on activists Pankhudi Pathak and Maria Alam "by Bajrang Dal members" in Aligarh.

The All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) also alleged that the Uttar Pradesh Police was misusing its powers.

"There is a total breakdown of law and order in UP. The administration and police are blatantly misusing their powers and are in connivance with the Sangh Parivar in targeting Muslims, Dalits and Christians," AIDWA alleged in a statement.

They said Pathak was going to meet the families of Mustaqeem and Naushad, who were killed in an alleged false encounter in Aligarh on September 17.

She was allegedly threatened by Bajrang Dal activists and her car was smashed.

AIDWA also alleged that Alam, a social worker, and other activists were surrounded by Bajrang Dal members who were called by the Atroli police when the group visited the police station to enquire about the arrest of Mustaqeem, Naushad and four other boys.

"Repression is let loose on organisations and individuals who are fighting for justice and raising their voice against growing attacks on the minority community," the left group said in its statement.

It also alleged that the six boys (Mustaqeem, Naushad and four other boys) were picked up by police from their homes without any explanation and later their wives and other family members were put under house arrest to prevent them from making enquiries about the arrest of their kin.

"Many young men are being implicated in false cases. Encounter deaths have increased under the Yogi Adityanath government. Women, too, are not safe with the crimes against them growing at an alarming rate in the state," alleged AIDWA.

AIDWA also called upon all democratic-minded individuals and organisations to raise their voice "against the inhumanity" in Uttar Pradesh.

It has demanded immediate arrest of those involved in the assault on Pathak and Alam.