Nissan accepts resignation of third highest-ranking executive

Jun Seki

TOKYO, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Nissan Motor Co. on Wednesday said it had accepted the resignation of its third highest-ranking executive who assumed his post in a new management team after a leadership rejig just weeks ago.

Vice Chief Operating Officer Jun Seki's resignation comes on the heels of a new management team being formed at the top of Nissan on Dec. 1 comprising Seki, Chief Executive Officer Makoto Uchida and Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta.

The three-way leadership was aimed at the automaker regaining trust in the wake of the arrest in November last year of former CEO Carlos Ghosn, who led the company for two decades.

The trio, who were expected to be appointed as members of the board at an emergency shareholders' meeting on Feb. 18., were also supposed to head up the rebuilding of the automaker's shattered finances and much maligned corporate governance within the firm.

The reason for Seki, who joined Nissan in 1986, resigning has not been made clear, however, although those close to the matter believe he did not see eye-to-eye with Uchida over matters related to Renault SA, Nissan's largest shareholder.

"Nissan has been on a steady path to regain trust, restore the company's performance and work on its business transformation, and is already seeing progress," the automaker said in statement.

Seki leaving Nissan will be to the detriment of the automaker, experts on the matter have said, as his future role at Nissan was supposed to be key to its post-Ghosn turnaround.