India: Thowheed Jamath holds anti-CAA protests across Tamil Nadu

 Protest India NRC CAA

Chennai, Jan 25 (PTI) Scores of members of Muslim outfit Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath took out protest marches across Tamil Nadu on Saturday against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

The protesters gathered in front of the Chennai Collectorate holding placards and TNTJ flags and raised slogans demanding withdrawal of the Act.

Tight security was in place to ensure no untoward incidents took place, police sources said.

Around 1,000 cadres congregated in Thanjavur and Tirunelveli holding the national flag and TNTJ flags and staged protests.

The cadres were also seen holding placards saying 'No CAA, No NPR (National Population Register)' and also demanded that the Centre withdraw the Act.

Similarly, TNTJ members in Villupuram and Cuddalore districts took out a protest march towards the district collectorate office and later dispersed, police said.