Erdogan says hopes to discuss Idlib with Putin, Merkel and Macron on March 5


ANKARA, February 22. /TASS/: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday he hopes to meet with the Russian, German and French leaders on March 5 to discuss the situation in Syria’s Idlib governorate.

"The topic of Idlib is as important as it was previously with Afrin and the territories of the Peace Spring operation [of the Turkish army]. Yesterday, I conveyed our firm position on this topic to Mr. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, as well as to [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel and [French President Emmanuel] Macron. I will meet with Putin, Macron and Merkel on March 5 and we will discuss this topic again," he said during his appearance in Izmir that was televised by NTV.

The Turkish leader said on Friday a four-lateral meeting could be organized in Istanbul in March.

The situation in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone deteriorated dramatically in late January when Syrian government troops staged a counteroffensive to retaliate ceasefire violations by militants. A larger part of the Aleppo and Idlib governorate’s has been liberated.

Moscow has repeatedly voiced support to these counter-terrorist efforts whereas Ankara claimed that government troops had violated the Sochi agreements on peace settlement. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned about a possible military operation in Idlib.

On this background, militants’ attacks on Syrian government army’s positions have intensified and Russia’s aerospace forces’ taskforce joined retaliation efforts on February 20.