Turkish President Hopes Cease-Fire To Continue In Syria’s Idlib

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

ISTANBUL, Mar 7 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said, he hopes that the cease-fire in the Syrian northwestern province of Idlib, reached between Turkey and Russia the previous day, would continue, putting an end to the conflict in Syria.

“Finally, we sat at the table yesterday and agreed on the declaration of a cease-fire as of midnight last night,” Erdogan said, after Friday prayers in Istanbul.

“We hope that it continues,” he stressed, noting that he also expects that the cease-fire would bring an end to the conflict.

Further details of the deal would be discussed, Erdogan added.

The Turkish leader and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, agreed on the cease-fire in Idlib, the last rebel-held stronghold in Syria, after six hours of meeting in the Russian capital, Moscow.