AIKS Condemns the Attack By Gaurakshaks in Alwar

New Delhi, January 2; INN: All India KisanSabha (AIKS) condemns the attack on Saghir Khan and 2 others by Gaurakshaks in Alwar District of Rajasthan. It is in continuation of similar attacks on farmers or cattle rearers transporting cattle that have been going on in this region in the last few years.

AIKS demands that the newly elected Congress Government in Rajasthan should immediately act against the culprits. It is shocking that the police have arrested the victim on the charge of “cow smuggling” while not taking any strong deterrent action against the culprits.

Sangh Parivarhas set a narrative branding the Muslim cattle growers in Mewat region as criminals and polarise the society on communal lines. The Congress Government should not fall for the same narrative and criminalise farmers from the Muslim community by branding any person transporting cattle as “cow smuggler”.  It is a well-known fact that most of the Muslim families in Mewat region have been engaging in dairying for generations to earn their livelihood.

AIKS also demands the scrapping of the Gauraksha Police Outposts in the State. These Police Outposts are acting hand-in-glove with the Gaurakshaks and allegedly have emerged as extortion centres. The police and district administration are also unfortunately parroting the SanghParivar narrative and indulging in arbitrary action against people transporting cattle.

The Congress led State Government should refrain from pandering to communal forces and take strong deterrent action and corrective steps in the region. The Congress Government’s passive position on the attack on noted film and theatre actor Naseeruddin Shah is also shocking. AIKS calls upon the State Government to take a strong stance on communal forces and foil design to vitiate communal harmony in the State.