India: Woman killed by in-laws over dowry in UP village

 Dowry death torture

Muzaffarnagar (UP), Jan 9 (PTI) A mother of a two-month-old child was killed by strangulation allegedly by her in-laws over a dowry dispute in a village in Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Saturday.

The parents of the victim, identified as Annu, alleged that they found her dead on Friday evening when they went to check on her after she had called them, saying her husband was beating her.

The in-laws live in Mor Majra village, which comes under the Thana Bhawan police station limits.

Station house officer Perbhaker Ketura said the body has been sent for a post-mortem examination.

According to a complaint filed by the victim's parents, the husband, Ankit, and his family members used to harass and beat her up over dowry ever since the couple got married one and a half years ago, the police said.