Turkey rejects 'baseless' Arab League decisions

Arab League

06 Mar 2021; MEMO: Turkey has "completely rejected" on Friday the decisions adopted by the Arab League foreign ministers' meeting held on Wednesday, accusing Turkey of meddling in internal affairs of Arab countries, Anadolu Agency reported.

In a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry affirmed that the decisions targeting Turkey were "unrequited" among the people of "friendly and brotherly" Arab countries.

The statement called on members of the league to end their: "Insistence on stereotypical accusations against our country with aims to cover up their destructive activities."

Meanwhile, the ministry emphasised that some league members had noted their opposition to the decisions, which had been: "Adopted as a result of imposition by various actors without conducting a transparent negotiation process between the member countries."

With its "principled and resolute stance", Turkey is one of the countries devoting the greatest efforts to ensure "regional and global peace and stability of security", the ministry stressed.

It further underscored that preserving the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political unity of the Arab countries were among Turkey's top priorities for the region.

"We again invite the Arab League to prioritise peace, prosperity and well-being of the Arab people and to constructively contribute to the establishment of security and stability in the region, instead of targeting our country with baseless allegations," the ministry added.