India: Adverse impact of tanneries' closure during Kumbh

Kanpur tannery

KANPUR: One can easily come to know of the cold impact of the tanneries’ closure over the labourers during the Ardh Kumbh fair. First, they have been rendered jobless and secondly, they are failing to find petty jobs even for their livelihood.

 As a result, one poor couple had to sell their newly born child to a well-to-do childless family living in the city areas. The poor labourer’s wife took this strong decision with the heavy heart and gulped down all the mother’s emotions.

It was her final decision to part with her child. She had already three sons of different age but leaving the new-born child was never acceptable to her. She was supposed to snow under her abject poor condition. When the existing members of the family were hungry, how could new to nourish?  

As her husband was not able to earn enough money for making the family run in a proper way, there was no other option before her and such a tough decision appeared fitting to her. She has been living in a rented house at Ganga Ghat area here.

Her husband Meraj Alam was a labourer in a tannery. He turned out to be unemployed after the closure of the tanneries. Although he endeavoured hard to make both ends’ meet by his work yet the family could not sustain with everyday dire needs.

Being employed as a maidservant at a family in the Colonelganj area, she was lured with an offer of Rs 5000 if she would agree to entrust her child. The family, unfortunately, had no issue, therefore, the couple requested her to give the child.

She agreed after being assured from the house lady for paying delivery charges. Besides, the house lady also gave assurance of paying her a sum of rupees five thousand in cash. Considering at her pitiable situation she was totally agreed and handed over the child to the family.