China to cooperate with Lebanon in establishing cultural center: ambassador

Qian Minjian

BEIRUT, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Qian Minjian said on Wednesday that China will work together with the Lebanese side in establishing a Chinese cultural center in the country, a statement by the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon said.

Qian's remarks came during his meeting with caretaker Lebanese Culture and Agriculture Minister Abbas Mortada.

China and Lebanon, both ancient civilizations with a long history, maintain good exchanges in cultural fields, Qian said, recalling that in 2020, the two sides signed an agreement on the establishment of cultural centers in both countries, and China started building the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music.

For his part, Mortada said Lebanon is keen to strengthen cultural cooperation with China and enhance understanding between the two peoples.

Voicing his ministry's willingness to provide convenience for the building of the Chinese cultural center in Lebanon, Mortada said the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music will become the best emblem of the two countries' friendship.