Arab League voices support for stability, development in Somalia

Arab League

CAIRO, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Tuesday voiced full support for any steps that promote security and stability in Somalia.

In a statement, Aboul-Gheit hailed the positive results that have been recently accomplished for achieving national consensus as very important for running the delayed legislative elections.

He stressed that the AL supports all efforts for continuing the process until holding the presidential elections scheduled in October, and helping the Somali people to meet their aspirations for economic reform.

Aboul-Gheit's remarks came during his meeting with the visiting Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

The two sides highlighted that the constructive dialogue among the Somali parties is the basis for enhancing the national unity in the country.

For his part, Roble said the Somali government seeks to push the economic reform," confirming the AL's role in this regard.