First-ever parliamentary elections held in Qatar

CAIRO, October 3. /TASS/: The first parliamentary election in the history of Qatar was held on Saturday, with a turnout of more than 44%, the Qatar News Agency reported.

The vote count is still in process.

Voters were to elect 30 parliamentarians, who will comprise two thirds of the parliament. In accordance with the country’s constitution, one third will be appointed by the Emir of Qatar. A total of 233 candidates are taking part in the polls. About 10% of candidates are women.

The Consultative Assembly of Qatar (Majlis as-Shura, also known as the Shura Council), has the authority to draft laws, approve state budget, discuss important questions and offer advice to Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar. However, it has no legislative power in matters of defense, security and economy.

Historically, the legislative power in Qatar is exercised by the Emir. The Consultative Assembly was established in 1972 as a state body with consultative functions. Back then, all 35 members of the assembly were appointed by the emir for a four-year term. In accordance with the 2005 constitution, the Assembly is to be transformed into a legislative body in the form of a unicameral parliament after the first parliamentary elections take place. It will comprise 45 members (30 selected through a direct secret ballot and 12 appointed by the emir) with a four-year mandate.

First democratic elections to the Consultative Assembly were appointed for the second half of 2013, but then Emir Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani extended the Council’s mandate indefinitely in June 2013 before ceding the power to his son Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

It was only in August 2021 that Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani scheduled the elections for October 2.

Qatar has a population of 2.8 million people, but only 10% of them are registered voters. In line with the law, only people whose families lived in the country before 1930 have the right to vote.