Dozens Of Palestinians Injured In Clashes With Israeli Soldiers In West Bank: Medics


RAMALLAH, Jan 8 (NNN-WAFA) – Dozens of Palestinian protestors injured yesterday, during clashes with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, medics and eyewitnesses said.

The clashes broke out near the West Bank city of Ramallah, witnesses said.

A local journalist was shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers, and dozens of protestors fainted after inhaling tear gas fired by the soldiers, medical sources said.

Separately, fierce clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers near the villages of Beita and Beit Dajan, south and east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Ahmad Jibril, head of the Emergency and Ambulance Department at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, said that, 15 Palestinian protestors were shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers, including three who were shot in the head, by rubber-coated metal gunshots in Beita.

He added that, 12 other Palestinians were shot and wounded by live ammunition, and dozens of them inhaled tear gas during the clashes with the Israeli soldiers in Beit Dajan.

Beita and Beit Dajan have seen weekly protests against the expansion of Israeli settlements in the two villages, and clashes with the Israeli soldiers.

Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are claimed by the Palestinians, in the 1967 Middle East war. The Palestinians want to establish their independent Palestinian state on these territories.