G7 calls on Egypt to condemn the Russian invasion

Vladimir Putin n Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

02 March 2022; MEMO: The ambassadors of the G7 group called on Egypt to issue a "clear condemnation" of the unjustified Russian invasion and support "the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine," stressing that the group is working to impose more sanctions on Russia in the coming days.

The ambassadors of the US, EU, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan said in a joint statement yesterday that in its attack on Ukraine, "the Russian government is breaking the most elementary rules of the international order in an unprecedented manner before the eyes of the world."

The statement expressed its hope that the Egyptian government "upholds the same principles of peace, stability and the integrity of the international-rules based order." It noted that it looks forward to the adherence of the G7 partners, including Egypt, to the basic principles of the UN Charter.

The statement added "What we need now is a clear and unanimous condemnation of this attack by all UN member states in the light of its military aggression," adding, "We need to stand by Ukraine and reiterate our unwavering commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, and by the UN Charter."

The statement noted that Egypt is already suffering because of the Russian attack, especially since it is the largest wheat importer in the world, and Ukraine is one of the largest suppliers. "Now this vital trade is threatened by needless war, inflicted upon Ukraine by Russia," according to the statement.

It also mentioned that the Russian attack on Ukraine will lead to the rise in wheat and foodstuff prices in Egypt and Africa.

The G7 ambassadors stressed the need to take strong and decisive measures against the Putin regime, by implementing wide-ranging sanctions targeting large sectors of the Russian economy.

The joint statement indicated that Russia's attempt to destabilise the international order will also have repercussions on the Middle East and Africa, including Egypt, stressing that the international community "cannot accept unjustified violations of the principles of the United Nations Charter, in particular the prohibition of the use of force."