India: Cutting of trees & pollution restrict rains in Kanpur

Kanpur 22 July 2022; If the rains have occurred in different parts of the country, why do no rains happen in the city of Kanpur?

The people are yet to be gratified with the boon of rains even after the last week of July in their areas.

Whatever rains have occurred so far are not bringing the intensity of humidity down. They insist upon saying that barely short drizzles have so far come in their fortune.

They are still awaiting heavy rains to get rid of uncomfortable hot and humid conditions. But God up above the sky is only assessing their patience with all the strict gestures.

Only they have to realise comforted with the installation of air-conditioning gadgets but unpredictable and erratic electricity supply continues to surge difficulties.

Roaring rains upon the city’s dry land look to be far away. The real feel of the daily maximum temperature hovers between 37 degrees Celsius and 38° Celsius.

Clouds stay but depart slowly leaving the sun to scatter hotter rays. Aggrieved with the unbearable heat of the summer they are also questioned about their views on shifting to other nearby planets.

The city dwellers wish to answer that they have been repeatedly contemplating either going to the Moon or Mars as these are deemed to be greatly plausible destinations free from earthly troubles. 

However, they do not at the same time seem to yearn for going to other planets existing in further solar systems?

They point out, “If we do not get the rains in days to come, it does not impel us anyhow to leave this rare living planet. We would in every case stay on this popular planet.”

Even Eve forced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit to come down to the earthly environment. So the earth is the best place so far to live for posterity, the residents maintained.

Weather experts are merely predicting the rains in Kanpur day after day but nature’s wrath seems to be yet not over.

While going through the news we learn of at least ten states in the country where the rainy days are causing havoc.

Some stress that trees have been drastically cut all along the roads in the city of Kanpur. So the formation of low pressure fails to materialise rains here. Pollution restricts the chance of rain also.

The sun appears to throw its burning fire over us. Roads in the city areas remain vacant in the afternoon. Lesser movement of the rickshaws, buses and tempos during the boisterous hours corroborates reality to a large extent.