Response to potential strikes ‘inside Russia’ to be hard, convincing — Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev

MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/: Moscow’s response to Kiev’s strikes at Crimea or any other Russian region "deep" inside the country can be any, but it will be hard and convincing, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in a written interview for Nadana Fridrikhson, published on her Telegram channel.

"Our response can be any," he said, answering a question. "The President of Russia said it quite definitively."

Medvedev explained that Russia sets no restrictions for itself, and, depending of the nature of threats, can use all kinds of weapons, "in accordance with our doctrinal documents, including the Basic Principles of nuclear deterrence."

"I can assure you: the response will be swift, hard and convincing," the politician added.

According to the Russian nuclear doctrine, Russia may use nuclear weapons if nuclear or other types of weapons of mass destruction are used against Russia or its allies, if it receives verified information about a start of ballistic missiles for attack on Russia or its allies, in case of enemy influence on facilities, vital for response nuclear action, and in case of conventional aggression against Russia, if the very existence of the state is endangered.