Russia: New US military aid package goading Kiev regime into war crimes, says diplomat

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, February 10. /TASS/: The United States is prodding the Zelensky regime into committing war crimes with its new military aid package for Ukraine that includes anti-personnel mines, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

"On February 3, Washington announced a new arms package worth almost $2.5 billion. This time, it consists of Javelin anti-tank missile systems, the so-called small diameter bombs (GLSDB) with a 150 km strike range and also Claymore anti-personnel mines. This step by Washington looks like a deliberate attempt to push the Kiev regime towards new war crimes. I believe that, unfortunately, this will be the case and one has to understand who shoulders this responsibility," the Russian diplomat said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also mentioned Europe’s announced aid to Ukraine, saying that the funds would be channeled into "the blood-letting."

"EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs [Josep] Borrell stated that the European Union planned to increase the number of trainees to 30,000, who would undergo training at the EU mission for military assistance to Ukraine. Ukraine’s defense minister said that on February 6 Ukrainian servicemen had begun exercises at European training grounds to learn how to operate Leopard tanks. Let me remind you that the European Union has allocated half a billion of euros through its peace facility," Zakharova added.

By expanding its assistance to the Zelensky regime, the West is stretching out the conflict and these moves will cause casualties to mount, the diplomat stressed.

"The United States and NATO are doing everything to escalate the hostilities by arming the Ukrainian military with what they believe to be powerful weapons, and training its troops. In their reckless support for the Kiev regime’s Neo-Nazis, Western leaders have overstepped all thinkable and unthinkable boundaries," the Russian diplomat said.