Sudan, Egypt agree to facilitate granting visas, residencies

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17 Feb 2023; MEMO: Sudan and Egypt yesterday agreed to facilitate the granting of entry visas, residencies and work permits between both sides, and affirmed the freedom of ownership for Sudanese nationals in Egypt, the official Sudanese News Agency (SUNA) reported.

This came at the conclusion of the meetings of the fifth session of the Permanent Consular Committee between Sudan and Egypt, which was held in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

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The committee "agreed to overcome difficulties facing students of the two countries and to cooperate in the fields of manpower and work to sign agreements that regulate work in the field and cooperation in the legal and judicial spheres and civil aviation."

In 2004, Khartoum and Cairo signed the Four Freedoms agreement, which stipulates the freedoms of movement, residence, work and ownership, but it was not fully implemented on the ground.