Russia open to global partnership; has no intention to isolate itself — Putin

Vladimir Putin

MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/:  Russia is open to constructive cooperation with all countries and has no desire to isolate itself, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"I would like to stress Russia is open to constructive partnership with all countries; we do not intend to isolate ourselves from anyone, we have no preconceived or what's more hostile intentions towards anyone," Putin said.

"We hope that our partners will adhere to the principles of equality and mutual benefit in their relations with us," the president stated.

According to him, such approaches are laid out in the Russian Foreign Policy Concept that was adopted on March 31.

Putin said that this document envisions Russia's national interests in the context of a complex, dynamically changing world, and provides for the basic aims and objectives as well as key areas regarding Russian diplomacy.

"The most important thing is that Russia, as a sovereign and self-sufficient state, will be actively pursuing a balanced, multi-course foreign policy prioritizing our domestic development and with particular awareness to the responsibility to maintain stability and security at the global and regional levels," the Russian president added.