Russia: Kiev rejects dialogue on political settlement even in uneasy situation, says Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov

ST. PETERSBURG, July 28. /TASS/: Russia remains open for settling the Ukraine situation but the Ukrainian authorities stick to their irreconcilable position even being in an uneasy situation, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"The Russian side remains open, which cannot be said about the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians stick to their irreconcilable position, especially now that they are in quite an uneasy situation but, nonetheless, they keep rejecting any opportunity for dialogue," the Russian presidential spokesman said.

This evening, the Russian president will hold a meeting with representatives of African countries on the Ukraine issue, Peskov said.

"There will be a speech [by the head of the Russian state] and this meeting [will be held] in the follow-up of the previous encounter that took place during a visit [by representatives of African states to Russia]," the Kremlin press secretary said.

As the Russian presidential spokesman pointed out, today "a further discussion earlier agreed upon in St. Petersburg will be held."

The previous meeting was held in St. Petersburg in June this year.