The coronavirus pandemic is a test of our humanity, morality and solidarity

by Dr Ahmet Alioglu

The coronavirus Covid-19 is a serious test of our humanity, morality and solidarity; resilience, steadfastness and the will to survive are being tested alongside our basic values and beliefs.

Some have responded with magnificent displays of self-sacrifice, altruism and integrity, while others have been selfish and self-centered, bordering on the xenophobic. The crisis has unveiled the ugly masks of capitalist and egocentric entities.

Will the coronavirus claim Saudi’s ‘Vision 2030’ as its victim?

by Nasim Ahmed

02 April 2020; MEMO: With the world predicted to change in ways that were unimaginable only a few weeks ago due to the coronavirus outbreak, can Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman pull off a miracle and deliver his ambitious “Vision 2030” social and economic transformation programme?

Is coronavirus the result of a conspiracy?

by Rania Mostafa

01 April 2020; MEMO: From the beginning of the Arab Spring revolutions, the world seemed to be preparing for an event unknown to the general public, but about which the leaders of the global superpowers had knowledge. In my opinion, the revolutions were nothing but a re-drawing of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement in light of a severe global economic crisis to which the major powers are still trying to find solutions.

Israeli calls for dialogue with Hamas are prompted by common interests

by Dr Adnan Abu Amer

26 Mar 2020; MEMO: When Israel revealed that Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and the chief of the Israel Defence Forces Southern Command, General Herzl Halevi, made a “secret” visit to Qatar recently, the Qataris and Hamas leadership denied any intentions to arrange high-level meetings between the Islamic Resistance Movement and Israeli leaders.

It will be a catastrophe if the coronavirus spreads within Israeli prisons

by Alaa Al-Jaabari

24 Mar 2020; MEMO: The Israeli prison authorities have announced that a number of Palestinian prisoners in Megiddo Prison are infected with the coronavirus. This news will cause great anxiety for thousands of Palestinian families whose loved ones are being held by Israel, including political prisoners who resisted the occupation as well as Palestinians imprisoned for criminal acts.

The world is not going back to what it was before the coronavirus outbreak

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

23 Mar 2020; MEMO: A microscopic virus has shaken the entire world. It may even change its maps, geography and centres of power, shifting from one country to another in the blink of an eye. Some countries might collapse and others will be created, while empires fade and others emerge.

Story of President Xi Jing Peng – two bowls of noodles

by AW Siddiqui

I am not sure if the following story is true or not, or actually came from President Xi Jing Peng of China. But it’s a good story worth reading and sharing with kids;

"As a small child, I was very selfish, always grabbing the best for myself.

Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault and I criticized others.

Delhi violence: A room with a riot view

By Trisha Mukherjee

New Delhi, Mar 13 (PTI) A solitary patch of violet stands out in walls blackened with soot, a reminder of a room that was once coloured with shades of content and is now littered with the detritus of a riot -- except for a bed on which sits Nazar Mohammad.

His three-storey home in northeast Delhi's Shiv Vihar Phase 7, one of the worst-hit areas in the recent riots, tells the story of not just three days of clashes but also of hope rising from the ashes of violence.

Beyond human toll, coronavirus could shake up global politics

Washington, Mar 13 (AFP) Thousands of people have died, the US response has infuriated European allies, and China has gone on a propaganda offensive.

The new coronavirus is shaping up to be a cataclysmic event with far-reaching consequences in global politics.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected more than 130,000 people globally, strikes a world already in flux with the rise of nationalists such as US President Donald Trump who have scoffed at the rules of the "globalist" order.

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