Human Rights

Swedish prosecutors file application for WikiLeaks founder’s arrest

STOCKHOLM, May 20. /TASS/: Swedish prosecutors have submitted an application to court for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest, the Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a statement.

"Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today submitted an application for a detention order to Uppsala District Court, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence," the report says.

Kremlin expects to continue talks with Kiev on detained persons

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS: Moscow expects that the talks with Kiev on the exchange of detained persons will continue under the new Ukrainian leader, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

"This issue was actively discussed within the framework of available channels and within the framework of the Contact Group and that is why we hope these discussions will continue. Russia has numerously expressed its interest in that," the Russian presidential spokesman said.

Israel’s chief rabbi calls Afro-Americans ‘monkeys’

20 May 2019; MEMO: Israel’s chief Rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, has stoked controversy by describing Afro-Americans as “monkeys” during one of his weekly religious lessons.

The remark, which will prompt further discussion about entrenched racism within the country, was reported by Israeli newspaper Ynet News.

German decision against BDS ‘dangerous’: Palestinian Auth

20 May 2019; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA) said yesterday that it sees the German decision to class BDS anti-Semitic “very dangerous”, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported yesterday .

In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the PA said that this decision proves that Israel still imposes its agenda on representatives of European nations, adding that it is “blackmailing” the German parliament through its historic mistake related to the Holocaust.

Palestinians give cool reception to US peace conference

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Palestinian prime minister said Monday that any American peace plan that ignores the Palestinian people’s political aspirations for an independent state is doomed to fail.

Mohammad Shtayyeh’s comments immediately cast a cloud over the American-led Mideast peace conference expected to take place in late June in the tiny Gulf Arab state of Bahrain.

Eurovision: Madonna’s Pelestine flag display on stage causes stir

20 May 2019; MEMO: The Israeli organisers of this year’s Eurovision feared that some of the competitors, under pressure from the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, might inject politics into their performances.

In the end, however, it was Eurovision’s special guest star, Madonna, who used her performance to make a political statement.

Man charged in abduction of 8-year-old Texas girl

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A man has been charged in the abduction of an 8-year-old girl who was snatched from a street in Fort Worth, Texas, as she walked with her mother.

Fort Worth police say the girl was found safe Sunday, about eight hours later, at a hotel in nearby Forest Hill.

Police say 51-year-old Michael Webb was arrested on an aggravated kidnapping charge. He is being held without bond.

Italy seizes Sea-Watch 3 rescue vessel

20 May 2019; DW: Italy's far-right interior minister has condemned the seizure of the ship, saying migrants on board should not have set foot in Italy. However, the condition of the refugees had swayed the authorities' opinion.

Italian prosecutors on Sunday impounded rescue vessel Sea-Watch 3 for breaching immigration rules despite government attempts to block the ship from reaching an Italian port.

Trump threatens 'official end of Iran'

20 May 2019; DW: In a provocative tweet, the US president described retaliation that would mark "the official end of Iran." Iran has remained defiant in the face of US threats, saying Trump is playing a "political game."

US President Donald Trump issued a stern warning to Iran on Sunday amid rising tensions between Washington and Tehran.

"If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran," said Trump. "Never threaten the United States again!"

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