COVID-19 far from over, number of cases under-reported in some countries, says WHO chief

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

GENEVA, April 27 (Xinhua) -- The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday that the current COVID-19 pandemic is far from over and the accurate number of cases might be under-reported in some countries due to lack of testing capacity.

"The pandemic is far from over. WHO continues to be concerned about the increasing trends in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries," Tedros said at a virtual press conference from Geneva.

"As in all regions, cases and deaths are under-reported in countries in these regions because of low testing capacity," he added.

Noting that the WHO is continuing to support these countries with technical assistance, Tedros told reporters that in the past week, supplies have been delivered to more than 40 countries in Africa.

Globally, Tedros said, WHO has shipped millions of items of personal protective equipment to 105 countries, and lab supplies to more than 127 countries.

"We will ship many millions more in the weeks ahead, and we're preparing aggressively," Tedros said.

The WHO chief also thanked China, Portugal and Vietnam for their recent contributions to WHO's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan.