US knocks on a closed door seeking to extend Iran arms embargo - Russia’s UN envoy

Vasily Nebenzya

THE UNITED NATIONS, May 13. /TASS/: The United States cannot demand the extension of arms embargo against Tehran since it is no more a party to the Iran nuclear deal, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya told a press conference with journalists via a video link-up.

"I do not see any reasons why arms embargo should be imposed on Iran," Nebenzya said. "It expires on 18 October. It was temporary. Let’s call a spade a spade: it was not in fact even an embargo. It is the provision where Iran is allowed to export/import armaments on the consent of the Security Council. Of course, you may call it a de-facto embargo, because we know what would happen if Iran asked for such waiver, but technically it was not an embargo. For us it’s clear, it expires on 18 October. We proceed from that fact."

The high-ranking diplomat recalled that exactly two years ago, the US "proudly announced" that it withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and closed the door behind. "Now they knock on that door and say "just wait a second, we forgot to do one little thing on the JCPOA. Let us back, we will do it and leave again". This is ridiculous," he said. "You know, in order to be able to use the instruments provided by JCPOA you first have to be a participant of the JCPOA. The US has not been an effective participant of the JCPOA for two years now."

The New York Times reported on April 26 that Washington sought "to pressure the United Nations Security Council to extend an arms embargo on Tehran or see far more stringent sanctions reimposed on the country." Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on March 3 that an extension of the arms embargo was not on the table. Under the JCPOA, which was signed between five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany with Iran in 2015, Tehran will be able to purchase armaments and military equipment from foreign suppliers since October.