US seeks to undermine Russians’ trust in Putin via controlled media - State Duma speaker

Vyacheslav Volodin

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/: The United States is trying to use controlled media, bloggers and opposition politicians to undermine Russians’ trust in President Vladimir Putin, whose policy has brought the country to a new level, State Duma (lower house) Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Sunday.

"Our President Vladimir Putin has brought Russia to a new level when it is taken into account and respected. If compared with the 1990s, it is absolutely evident that there has been significant growth in all spheres of life," Volodin said.

"We are strengthening our positions and that’s why they are hitting at our advantage. Our advantage is our president, who enjoys support of citizens, while the US is trying to undermine this trust," the lower house speaker said, stressing that these are "the methods of the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department."

"I don’t think that I will open a big secret by saying that they are constantly keeping in touch with some opposition politicians as well as a number of mass media outlets and bloggers," he noted.

According to the State Duma speaker, some of them probably don’t even realize that they are "just pawns, which are used to destroy their own country." "We need not only to understand this, but also to resist interference in our country’s internal affairs," Volodin said.

The US is spreading fake news about the coronavirus situation and on the ratings of Russian authorities because it is trying to destabilize the situation in the country in order to preserve its dominating position in the word, he noted.

"When we talk about American democracy and American achievements, we recognize that this country has achieved a lot. But these achievements are at the expense of other countries. Everything in the world is changing, nothing lasts forever, and realizing this, the United States wants to maintain its dominating position, as before, by weakening other states," the speaker said, noting that the US had done a lot for the collapse of the Soviet Union, although this also led to the mistakes by the Soviet leadership, which has lost the citizens’ trust.

"Today it is absolutely evident that the situation in our country is different. The president relies on the citizens’ support and he has done a lot for Russia and is constantly showing his effectiveness. The US understands that this is Russia’s strong point," he said, noting that therefore Washington’s attacks are aimed at discrediting the president, the key power institutions and leading politicians in order to undermine trust and weaken them.

The speaker noted that the US has not given up its plan on weakening and further dismembering Russia. "For this, they need obedient politicians at the helm of our country who would be guided by their interests, and not the interests of our citizens," he added. Volodin linked Washington’s unprecedented pressure on Russia and fake news as well as meddling in domestic affairs to the fact that the US position in the world has been shattered. China has started outperforming the US in economy and technological development, while Russia has surpassed Washington in the military field.

Earlier, the Russian embassy in the United States called upon the Bloomberg news agency to apologize for wrong information about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s poll ratings. The diplomats explained that the report with a reference to the Russian Public Opinion Research Center posted a chart according to which the indicators are 27%. However, the real level of trust is 67.9%.

According to the survey, published on the Russian pollster’s official website, Putin’s trust and approval ratings remained at the level of 67-68% in the past weeks.