US-Kurdish patrol ambushed in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor, eight injured — SANA


MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/: A joint patrol of US servicemen and Kurdish units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) was ambushed by terrorist groups near the village of Ruweishad in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor governorate, the SANA news agency said.

According to the agency, three US servicemen and five Kurds were injured when terrorists opened fire at them, using firearms and grenade launchers.

IS units that lost control over vast areas in eastern Syria and the neighboring Iraq after the defeat in 2017, have become increasingly more active of late. According to the Arabic international newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, during the month of Ramadan (between April 24 and May 24), terrorists carried out at least 11 operations against government forces, in which 37 Syrian military and militias were killed. Within the same period, they repeatedly attacked Kurdish units from the Syrian Democratic Forces, staged terrorist attacks in local settlements, killed and kidnapped residents.

According to the paper, Syrian troops and Kurdish militias destroyed 47 terrorists, including four field commanders, in military response.