Russian top senator thanks medics fighting COVID-19 pandemic

Valentina Matviyenko

MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/: Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Speaker Valentina Matviyenko has thanked the medical workers who are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic on the frontline in a message timed to the Day of Medical Worker.

"Medicine is not just work, it is real service. We have seen this clearly during the coronavirus pandemic. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all medical workers of clinics, hospitals, ambulances: everyone who has been fighting on the frontline. We fully understand how difficult this has been for you," she said.

She noted that doctors are subject to enormous mental and physical pressure, risking "their health and sometimes even their lives." "Despite all this, you do your duty. We are proud of you and we admire you. We are deeply grateful for your great deed," the top senator stressed.

She added that a lot is left to be done to improve Russia’s healthcare system: improving work conditions of doctors and nurses, preparing new specialists. "Wherever a person lives, they must have a real opportunity to get timely, accessible and quality medical care. The government will do everything to reach this goal," Matviyenko said.