Russia: Court hands director Serebrennikov three-year suspended sentence

Kirill Serebrennikov

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/: Moscow’s Meshchansky Court has handed down a three-year suspended sentence to director Kirill Serebrennikov regarding his 129-million-ruble ($1.8 mln) embezzlement case, where he stood accused of misappropriating state funds for the Platforma theater project.

"[The court] hereby imposes a penalty on Serebrennikov in the form of a three-year-suspended prison sentence along with a fine of 800,000 rubles [about $11,480] and probation for three years," judge Olesya Mendeleyeva ruled.

The court refrained from sentencing director Kirill Serebrennikov to additional punishment by barring him from holding administrative offices in the Ministry of Culture. There is no such clause in the sentence, announced by the judge Friday.

Producer Itin was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 3 years in prison, with monetary fine of 200,000 rubles (about $2,870), while producer Malobrodsky was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 2 years with monetary fine of 200,000 rubles (about $2,870). Besides, Malobrodsky was barred from working in culture institutions for two years. Former Ministry of Culture employee Sofya Apfelbaum was sentenced to a monetary fine of 100,000 rubles (about $1,435).