Russia’s only female cosmonaut expected to make spaceflight in autumn of 2022

Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/: Anna Kikina, Russia’s only woman cosmonaut, may make her spaceflight in a span of two years, Oleg Kononenko, chief of Russia’s cosmonaut corps, said on Friday.

"If nothing changes, if everything goes smoothly, because we have many if’s, Anna will probably fly in the autumn of 2022, along with me," he said in an interview with Vecherny Urgant program on TV Channel One.

Last time a Russian woman cosmonaut make a spaceflight was in September 2014-March 2015, when Elena Serova spent 167 days on a space mission to become Russia’s first woman in the International Space Station and the fourth woman in space in the history of manned spaceflights in the former Soviet Union and Russia. One more Russian woman, Elena Kondakova, made a spaceflight onboard a US Atlantis Space Shuttle in 1997.

Anna Kikina was admitted to the Russian cosmonaut corps in 2012.