Thailand's Tsunami detection buoy drifts to Indian waters, handed back

 Tsunami detection buoy

Port Blair, Nov 24 (PTI) The ICG has safely handed over a Tsunami detection buoy, which had gone adrift months ago, to a Thai vessel off Diglipur.

The buoy, deployed by Thailand's National Disaster Warning Centre (NDWC) in the Bay of Bengal, had broken free from its mooring due to rough weather and drifted to North Andaman Sea, a spokesperson of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) here said.

On request from Thai authorities, ICG ship 'Rajveer' located and retrieved the buoy off West Island in July.

It was towed to Diglipur and kept under safe custody at Coast Guard Office.

The buoy was on Monday handed over to the Thai vessel off Diglipur as requested by NDWC, the spokesperson added.