Russia: Putin hopes some problems in relations with US will be solved under Biden


MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin told his annual news conference on Thursday he hopes that at least some problems in Russian-US relations will be solved under Joe Biden’s administration.

"We presume that the newly elected US president will understand what is going on - he is a person, who has experience in both domestic and foreign policy. We expect that all problems, which emerged, or at least some of them will be ironed out under the new administration," Putin said.

On December 14, the US Electoral College convened and confirmed Joe Biden’s election victory. The Democrat received 306 votes, while incumbent President Donald Trump secured 232 votes. With 538 electors, a candidate needs to get 270 votes to be elected to the office of President of the United States. The inauguration ceremony of the President-Elect is due to be held on January 20.