China-Donated Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccines Arrive In Sudan


KHARTOUM, Mar 27 (NNN-XINHUA) – A batch of China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines, donated by the Chinese government to Sudan, arrived here yesterday.

The batch was received at the Khartoum International Airport by Chinese Ambassador to Sudan, Ma Xinmin, Chairman of Sudan’s Higher Committee for Health Emergencies, Siddiq Tawer, and Sudan’s Health Minister, Omer Al-Najeeb.

“Today the Chinese government provides Chinese vaccines to help Sudan fight COVID-19. This action demonstrates deep friendship and close ties between our two peoples and two countries,” Ma told reporters at the airport.

For his part, Al-Najeeb commended China’s supportive stances to Sudan, saying, China helped Sudan “not only in the pandemic, but also in building health services in Khartoum and other Sudanese cities.”

Tawer also stressed the importance of the arrival of the Sinopharm vaccines. “This is an extension of an old and fraternal cooperation between us and the People’s Republic of China,” Tawer said.

China has been helping Sudan in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic since its outbreak in the African country last year. China donated batches of medical supplies to Sudan last year, and a Chinese team of medical experts was sent to the country last June, on a two-week mission to support its fight against the pandemic.