Russia: Kremlin calls guesstimating Nord Stream 2’s commissioning ‘thankless job’


MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/: Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has referred to speculation about the timing of the possible launch of Nord Stream 2 as a ‘thankless job’.

"Guessing the timing now is a thankless job. And we would not want to do that," he said.

Earlier, Reuters, citing sources in the German government, reported that the suspension of the certification procedure for Nord Stream 2 AG by the German regulator could delay the pipeline’s commissioning until March 2022.

The Kremlin spokesman stressed that no one "cannot and should not interfere with the work of the regulator". "The company complies with all bureaucratic and legal formalities in order for the certification procedure to take place. And we just have to wait for it to happen," he added.

Peskov added that, in technical terms, everything is ready for the launch of Nord Stream 2, and all further action depends on current EU red tape. "Technologically, everything is ready. Everything else depends on the formalities related to certification," he said, commenting on the situation around the gas pipeline.

Gazprom supplies

Peskov stressed that Gazprom is sending the requested gas volumes to Europe. "Gazprom supplied and continues to supply exactly as much as customers buy from it and ask for additions under the terms and conditions stipulated in the existing contracts," he said.

Commenting on the allegations that the Russian company has allegedly already reached the maximum values for gas production, Peskov noted: "You should not rely on analysts, you need to ask Gazprom. The most reliable information comes from the primary source".

Nord Stream 2’s certification dilemma

The Federal Network Agency of Germany said on Tuesday that it had suspended Nord Stream 2 AG's certification process as an independent transport operator over legal issues.

The construction of Nord Stream 2 was fully completed on September 10, 2021. It was originally planned to be completed by the end of 2019, but construction was delayed due to US sanctions. The gas pipeline includes two lines with a total capacity of 55 bln cubic meters per year, which runs from the Russian coast through the Baltic Sea to Germany. In order to launch the pipeline, registration as an independent transport operator is required. The Federal Network Agency must publish a draft decision by January 8, 2022. The agency cannot prohibit gas pumping, but if it starts before registration, the operator will be fined. This registration has to comply with the EU Gas Directive.