Russia: Veronika Loginova takes post of RUSADA Director General

MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/: The Board of Founders of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has approved Veronika Loginova as Director General of the organization, a source in the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers, which is one of the founders of the agency, told TASS.

The competition to the post of Director General of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency started on October 25, with applications received by November 15. The competition on selection of candidates consisted of two stages. First, the candidates’ forms and documents were examined, while the second stage implied a test and an interview with the competition commission.

"The Board of Founders of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency has approved Veronika Loginova as RUSADA Director General," the Association of Russian Lawyers said. Loginova has experience of working in the RUSADA. She has also headed the Russian Sports Ministry’s anti-doping department for several years. According to the information on the official website of the Russian International Olympic University, Loginova is Advisor to Rector for Anti-Doping Programs Development.

The elected RUSADA Director General will represent the agency as chief executive officer in Russia and abroad, cooperating with authorities, business, non-profit organizations and athletes. The lack of connection with professional sports is one of the requirements to candidates for this post to avoid a conflict of interests.

The Russian anti-doping agency received the reinstatement plan from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) this June. It is due to be implemented by December 16, 2022.

Previously, Mikhail Bukhanov assumed the post of Russia’s governing body of anti-doping regulations in August 2020, taking this seat from previous RUSADA chief Yury Ganus.