Russian, Chinese presidents to discuss NATO’s belligerent rhetoric, says Kremlin spokesman


MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will address NATO’s belligerent rhetoric and tense situation in Europe during the talks, which are going to take place on Wednesday via video linkup, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on Tuesday.

"[The sides] will exchange their views on international affairs. The recent developments in international affairs, especially on the European continent, are now very tense and this definitely requires discussion between the allies, between Moscow and Beijing," the Kremlin spokesman noted.

Furthermore, Peskov mentioned that Russia saw "a very aggressive rhetoric both from NATO and the US." This also needs to be discussed, the spokesman said.

According to the presidential spokesman, the heads of state also planned to touch upon the entire range of bilateral ties. "There is a plethora of questions on the agenda: talks on energy, cooperation in the field of high tech, joint investments and trade," Peskov noted.

Traditionally, the leaders are going to address regional problems. Commenting on the question whether the presidents will talk about gas supplies to China, Peskov noted that "the energy dialogue would definitely be on the agenda."