Defense contractor delivers munitions against precision weapons to Russian troops

MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/: The state tech corporation Rostec delivered a batch of the latest aerosol munitions against precision weapons to the Russian troops ahead of schedule, the Rostec press office reported on Wednesday.

‘The Central Research Institute of Precision Machine-Building (TsNIITochMash, part of Rostec) fulfilled its contract for the delivery of munitions against precision weapons to the Defense Ministry of Russia ahead of schedule. The items are capable of protecting materiel from optical and thermal homing missiles," the press office said in a statement.

The aerosol-forming munitions developed by TsNIITochMash are designated to protect Uragan-1M multiple rocket launchers, mobile PRP-4A and PRP-5A reconnaissance stations, TOS-2 flamethrowers and other armaments and military hardware, Rostec said.

"After they are jettisoned, the munitions ‘hide’ military hardware beyond a screen of combined interference. As a result, a precision missile loses contact with a target, deflects from the attacking flight path or continues its flight while disoriented," Rostec Armaments Cluster Industrial Director Bekkhan Ozdoyev was quoted as saying.

TsNIITochMash (part of Rostec) is a center for the research and development of small arms, ammunition, simulators, soldier combat gear and other armaments, as well as systems to protect military hardware from precision weapons.