Russia hits 2,037 Ukrainian military infrastructure objects -- spokesman


MOSCOW, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 2,037 Ukrainian military infrastructure objects since the start of the operation, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Saturday.

Among them were 71 command posts and communication centers of the Ukrainian armed forces, 98 anti-aircraft missile systems, and 61 radar stations, Konashenkov told a regular briefing.

In addition, some 66 aircraft on the ground and 16 aircraft in the air were hit, while 708 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 74 multiple rocket launchers, 261 field artillery and mortars, 505 units of special military vehicles as well as 56 unmanned aerial vehicles were also destroyed, he added.

Russia used long-range precision weapons to destroy an ammunition depot in Ukraine, where Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missile systems were stored, Konashenkov said.