Putin orders transport of volunteer fighters from Middle East to fight Ukraine

Vladimir Putin

12 March 2022; MEMO: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered the transport of volunteer fighters from the Middle East to fight alongside the Russian army in Ukraine.

Putin held an online meeting with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu as part of the Security Council meeting, where he received a briefing on the latest situation in Ukraine.

During the briefing, Shoigu noted that 16,000 volunteers, primarily from the Middle East, applied to fight with Russia in Ukraine.

Speaking of the volunteers, Shoigu said: "We know most of them, and they have helped in the struggle against the terrorist organisation Daesh during the last decade."

The Russian defence minister indicated that Ukraine received various types of weapons in an uncontrolled manner, suggesting that Putin hands over the spoils of Ukrainian weapons and equipment during the clashes with the Donbas separatists.

He pointed out that the West continually reinforces and strengthens its military forces on the Russian borders, even though they are not exposed to danger.

Shoigu noted that the Russian General Staff is developing plans to reinforce its borders, transfer new forces to the borders and protect them against Western reinforcements.

In turn, Putin shared that Ukraine is welcoming mercenaries to fight alongside it from all corners of the earth and that Ukraine's Western supporters and the Kyiv authority disregard all rules of international law.

Putin ordered the transfer of volunteer fighters from the Middle East to join his forces in the areas of conflict in Ukraine.

"If you see that there are people who want to come on a voluntary basis, not for money, and support people living in Donbas, well, we need to come to meet them and help them move to the war zone," Putin told his defence minister.

On 24 February, Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine, followed by international condemnation and the imposition of tough economic and financial sanctions on Moscow.