PA calls for Israel to be punished for demolishing Palestinian homes

Israeli demolish

12 June 2019; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority condemned on Tuesday Israel’s criminal demolition of Palestinian-owned homes and facilities in the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem, Al-Wattan Voice has reported. According to the PA Foreign Ministry, such demolitions are a form of “ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinians in Jerusalem, and “part of Israel’s war” against them.

“These Israeli measures are intended to force the Palestinians out of Jerusalem so that they can be replaced by Jewish settlers as part of colonial plans to Judaise the city and separate it from its Palestinian hinterland,” said the ministry. “The PA is taking this situation seriously. Such violations and the people affected are not just statistics, as Israel would like us all to believe.”

Indeed, PA officials highlighted the suffering of the Palestinian families who lose their homes due to Israel’s illegal actions. They also criticised the silence of the international community in the face of Israel’s crimes, accusing the world of disregarding the suffering and crises of the Palestinians. Israel, they stressed, should face action at the International Criminal Court for what it does in occupied Palestine.